Although this site is primarily concerned with empirical findings, it is important to recognize that good theoretical work has been done that bears strongly on the field. If you have time to look at only one paper I suggest Angel and Rivoli (linked below). This study connects back to both classical investment theory - particularly Merton’s work on stock boycotts - and the socio-economic work of Albert Hirschman. Although Hirschman's Exit, Voice, and Loyalty accurately anticipates the form responsible investment would ultimately take, it actually predates the field: the book was published in 1970, a year before the launch of the first responsible investment fund in the U.S.
Ronald Coase, "The Problem of Social Cost" - link
Albert O. Hirschman, Exit, Voice and Loyalty - link
Jerry Muller, Adam Smith in His Time and Ours - link
John Wesley, On The Use of Money - link
Classical Finance
James Angel and Pietra Rivoli, "Does Ethical Investing Impose a Cost Upon the Firm? A Theoretical Perspective." - link
Fama, Eugene, and Ken French, "Disagreement, tastes, and asset prices" - link
Harry Markowitz et al, “Can You Do Well by Doing Good?” - link
Robert Merton, “A Simple Model of Capital Market Equilibrium with Incomplete Information” - link
Jose Maria Liberti and Mitchell Petersen, “Information: Hard and Soft.” - link
Stakeholder Theory
Thomas Donaldson and Lee Preston, "The Stakeholder Theory of the Corporation: Concepts, Evidence, and Implications" - link
Andrew L. Friedman and Samantha Miles, Stakeholders: Theory and Practice - link
Thomas M. Jones, "Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Synthesis of Ethics and Economics" - link
Agency Theory
Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling. "Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure." - link
Systemic Risk
Robert Litterman, "Pricing Climate Risk" (speech) - link
James Hawley and Andrew Williams, The Rise of Fiduciary Capitalism - link
Business Rationale for CSR
Michael Porter, "Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility" - link
Alex Edmans, Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit - link
Anthropology of Business