Dess and Picken (1999)
Dess, G. and J. Picken. Beyond Productivity: How Leading Companies Achieve Superior Performance by Leveraging their Human Capital. New York: AMACOM (American Management Association), 1999.
From the Preface: "[C]ompanies like Microsoft, PeopleSoft, America Online, and have...built on a foundation of intellectual capital with little or no tangible investment, [and] created extraordinary value for their investors, far in excess of the worth of their physical and financial assets. Traditional industries based on tangible assets, such as oil, autos, steel, and financial services, have lagged far behind, reinforcing the argument that value is determined not by the sum of an organization's resources but by how efficiently those resources are used and redeployed into new opportunities over time...
"[M]anagement [today] faces two key challenges. The first is to address the quality and capabilities of the human capital resource itself: to recruit, develop, and retain the best talent available. The second is to design and configure the organization's structural capital- the key processes and structures that link its human, knowledge and information, and tangible resources to each other and to its core value-creating processes- so as to maximize the potential and performance of the entire entity. Our focus throughout this book is on how leading companies are meeting these challenges in a changing competitive environment."
LK comment: Cited by Thomson and Wheeler (2004).