Dimson, Kreutzer, Lake, Sjo, and Starks (2013)

Dimson, Elroy, Idar Kreutzer, Rob Lake, Hege Sjo, and Laura Starks.  “Responsible Investment and the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global.”  Main Report to Strategy Council for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, 2013.

"We provide analysis and advice to the Norwegian Ministry of Finance on the responsible investment strategy for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global. Based on a detailed review of the literature and extensive consultations with investment professionals, we present a broad overview of the motives for responsible investment, of relevant research evidence, of how this relates to the Fund, and what comparator funds are doing in this area. We present three groups of recommendations for the Fund, focusing on the objectives and strategy for investing responsibly, on measures related to transparency and accountability, and on changes to the Fund’s governance structure that will facilitate a more integrated approach to responsible investing."

Link:  https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/67729d894e5745678a4988d86f210aea/sc_mainrreport.pdf

See also:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/inclusive-capitalism/elroy-dimson-a-framework_b_7611368.html