Mehrotra et al (2023)
Mehrotra, Vitra, Lukas Roth, Yusuke Tsujimoto, Yupana Wiwattanakantang. “Empowering Women by Index Membership: Evidence from a Unique Experiment from Japan.” Working Paper (University of Alberta), 2023.
lk notes from presentation by Yusuke Tsujimoto at PRI in Person Academic Network Conference (Tokyo), 2023.
Focus on gender diversity – a serious issue, esp in Asia. At current pace of improvement, it will take us 200 years to catch up. Why hasn’t Japan changed much? Why are there so many old guys?
Japan targeting 30% women in executive levels by 2030 (currently 2%).
The Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), $1.2 Trillion (Largest in the world) endorses MSCI WIN Index.
MSCI gender diversity assessment framework - key elements
Policy & Programs
“Very well-crafted index.”
We use a tournament-like structure, ranking firms on MSCI Gender Diversity Score within sectors.
Cutoff GICS median of 6.55. High hurdle to get into index. WIN index weighted by mkt cap x Gender Diversity Score.
We find:
Greater representation
Changes in culture- more female-friendly
Why do firms care to get into the index?
Potentially greater sales in consumer industries
Significant increase in institutional ownership (+22%)
Key takeaway - indexation can lead to changes in corporate social behavior
Shaun Davies (discussant) comments –
Very interesting paper
Comments on index inclusion
Index inclusion carries a myriad of benefits
(goes back to Schleifer work in the 80s - inclusion in S&P 500 led to permanent increase in valuation)
More visibility to investors, and also to consumers
Often associated with lower cost of capital
Many parties want to push firms to further a social goal (e.g., empower women)
Can index inclusion do this?
Very clever identification strategy
Ingredients of a tournament
Exert unobservable and costly effort
Players’ actions communicate effort
Players receive prizes (there will be a winner)
Analogy with this tournament.
Players -700 largest firms in MSCI Japan IMI.
Rules – MSCI WIN Index
Effort – Still unobservable
Actions – Comparison of outcomes
Prizes – “Is winning valuable?” really the empirical question of the paper
Effort is inherently costly. Implicit assumption.
Empirical strategy straightforward – if firms are trying to win, it must be valuable to win.
Analysis convincingly shows that firms engage in costly actions.
Women in workforce increases
Increases are NOT due to replacing men
Effect increases as you go up the corporate ladder