ORC International (2001)

ORC International. Where Faith and Wall Street Intersect. Goshen, Indiana: MMA, August 2001.

A telephone survey of attitudes toward socially responsible investing, sponsored by MMA Praxis, the mutual fund arm of the Anabaptist church. Research firm ORC International interviewed 2,035 randomly-chosen people (1,010 men and 1,025 women).
Key Findings:

- 56% of respondents characterized themselves as investors
- 79% considered themselves to be religious or spiritual
- 62% of religious investors said they make financial decisions that reflect their values
- 81% had not heard of religiously oriented mutual funds
- 49% of all investors and 56% of religious investors said they were "very likely" or "somewhat likely" to invest in religiously oriented funds if they learned more about them. 

Issues of greatest to concern to all investors: 

- Product safety
- Sweatshops
- Environment
- Labor relations
- Equal employment opportunity


Link (Christian Science Monitor article about the survey):  https://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0906/p13s1-lire.html