Lee (2018)
Lee, Dongyoung. “Corporate Social Performance of U.S.-Listed Firms Headquartered in Tax Havens.” Working paper (McGill University), 2018.
From the author’s abstracts: “Using 138 firm-year observations for 46 U.S.-listed firms headquartered in tax havens from 2004 to 2013, this study documents that the level of corporate social performance is relatively lower for firms with tax haven headquarters than for firms with U.S. headquarters. A poor relationship with community stakeholders is one of the sources of the negative association between corporate social performance and the presence of headquarters in offshore tax havens… This is consistent with the idea that when corporate culture promotes shareholders’ interests at the expense of other stakeholders’ interests, it is pervasive enough to make managerial behavior congruent in both areas of corporate strategies, namely tax and corporate social responsibility.”