Welbourne, Cycyota, and Ferrante (2007)
Welbourne, Theresa M., Cynthia S. Cycyota, Claudia J. Ferrante. "Wall Street Reaction to Women in IPOs - An Examination of Gender Diversity in Top Management Teams." Group and Organization Management, October 1, 2007.
From authors' abstract: "Looking at three different samples, the authors found that trend data indicated IPO firms were gaining in the number of women they employ in their top management teams. Using data from 534 IPO firms, results suggest one reason why the trend is growing; women appear to have a positive association with the firms' short-term performance (Tobin's Q, which is market price to book value per share), 3-year stock price growth, and growth in earnings per share."
Link: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1059601106291071